Personal injury lawyers can help you sue for a loved one’s death

Personal injury lawyers in Boise and Nampa ID recommend suing for a wrongful death claim if it resulted from unlawful conduct or negligence. One of life’s greatest difficulties is losing a loved one. A whole new level of stress and trauma can be brought on by a loved one dying as a result of a workplace accident or a car accident. If you’re a family member’s spouse in this circumstance, you might be unsure of what to do next. What privileges do you enjoy? How do you continue? Here’s what a personal injury lawyer recommends.

Wrongful death explained:

A wrongful death is one that was brought on by someone else’s carelessness or illegal behavior. The victim’s blood relations or personal representatives may file a lawsuit seeking damages from the at-fault party or parties.

·      The surviving spouse of the deceased

·      The deceased person’s offspring, including any adult children and children who were legally adopted

·      The dead person’s parents

The personal representative of the decedent’s estate may bring a wrongful death claim if the surviving spouse, children, or parents fail to do so within three months of the decedent’s passing. A wrongful death lawsuit lets you fight for the financial compensation you are due in addition to seeking to rectify a wrong. The following items are a sample of what a wrongful death claim may be able to recover:

· Loss of benefits or wages

· Loss of friendship

· Hardship or pain

· Survivors’ children’s lost inheritance

· Medical expenses incurred as a result of the injury or sickness that led to the death of the deceased

· Guidance and counseling costs

· Funeral costs


Who you can sue

1.    Motorists: You may file a wrongful death lawsuit against the other driver and their insurance if your loved one died as a result of the carelessness of another driver on the road. Insurance companies typically have policy restrictions

2.    The business: You can file a lawsuit against the company for its careless and harmful actions if your loved one dies while working or from a condition that can be linked to the firm. The maximum sums permitted by your family’s insurance plans may be claimed.

3.    The medical practitioner: You put your faith in doctors to look after your health and well-being. Unfortunately, there are instances where they neglect to fulfill their duties. You might be qualified to file a wrongful death lawsuit and seek restitution if your loved one died as a result of a doctor’s carelessness.

Work with the best personal injury lawyers in Boise and Nampa ID

Losing a loved one can be hard, but you can sue for a wrongful death claim. Work with the best personal injury lawyer in Boise and Nampa ID for the best results.

Jacobson & Jacobson Law Firm, since 1982, is committed to serving the Boise and Nampa, Idaho areas for your top Criminal DefensePersonal Injury, Business Law, Estate Planning, Family Law, Immigration Law, and Litigation needs. Contact us today to get started.