Criminal attorney can institute defenses in a juvenile case

Criminal attorney in Boise and Nampa ID can help you prevent kids from ending up in jail over juvenile cases. In the United States, juvenile justice refers to a collection of state and municipal court-based systems that are designed to assist young people who come into contact with law enforcement and are charged with breaking the law. Juvenile courts hear those cases as part of the legal process to determine if the kid violated the law and, if so, to determine the proper course of action. The rehabilitative programs, services, and sanctions offered to assist young people in stopping further delinquent behavior are managed by state and municipal juvenile corrections agencies (including probation and residential custody).

Steps in the juvenile justice system

The juvenile justice system is a multi-stage procedure that includes the following steps:

Delinquent behavior: Teenagers of all races and ethnicities are increasingly common to engage in minor acts of delinquency. Every neighborhood sees these behaviors, but the results can differ. Delinquency may go unnoticed by law enforcement in areas around schools and neighborhoods with scant police presence.

Referral: A young person with an arrest or referral joins the juvenile justice system. Although police make up the great majority of referrals, young people might also be recommended by educators, parents, suspected crime victims, or other community members.

Intake/ diversion: When a young person is referred, intake staff at the juvenile court, the probation office, or the prosecutor’s office decide whether the matter should be handled formally in juvenile court, han­dled unofficially (diverted from court), or dismissed.

Transfer/ waiver: Youth accused of particularly serious offenses may also be transferred (or waived) out of juvenile court at the intake stage in order to face trial as adults in criminal court.

Adjudication: The young person may be adjudicated delinquent during this stage, which is roughly equivalent to being proven guilty in a criminal court. Alternately, the young person can be declared innocent or the accusations might be dropped.

Disposition: The following stage after a juvenile is adjudicated delinquent is a dispositional hearing, which is comparable to a sentencing hearing in adult court. A pro­bation officer often examines the case, speaks with the young person, and develops a recommended intervention plan prior to this hearing.

Work with the best criminal attorney in Boise and Nampa ID

Juvenile cases can prove overwhelming, so you need expert help to tackle them. Work with the best criminal attorney in Boise and Nampa ID for outstanding results.

Jacobson & Jacobson Law Firm, since 1982, is committed to serving the Boise and Nampa, Idaho areas for your top Criminal DefensePersonal Injury, Business Law, Estate Planning, Family Law, Immigration Law, and Litigation needs. Contact us today to get started.